Guildelines for Workshop Facilitators

Here is a brief checklist of ways to best design and promote your Tremont Brainery workshop
Map out a workshop for 60-90 minutes - it can be onsite somewhere, virtual, or a hybrid
Unless you specify otherwise in the workshop description, aim for beginner level learning (as in, no prerequisites)
These workshops are free: if you have materials for participants to purchase, specify in the workshop description what these include and the related costs to participants
Make it as hands-on interactive as possible
Printed or linked handouts are useful and optional
If you have a lot to offer, consider a part 2 or multi-part series. A single stand-alone workshop is just fine.
Promote your workshop online, by email, and word of mouth anywhere you can - send people to the website (TremontBrainery.com.)
When you're ready to schedule a workshop, complete this form and we'll follow up with you.